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Manage Veterinary Appointments w/ Google Calendar

Written by Rebecca Price | Jan 15, 2019 3:01:54 PM


Easily manage your veterinary appointments using Google calendar and 2-way sync available ONLY with Hippo Manager. It is possible to manage your veterinary clinic patient appointments directly from your phone calendar!  Anywhere that your practice has enabled Google calendar (iPads, Tablets etc…) you can change patient appointments.  Those patient appointments will then be linked to and reflected in Hippo Manager.

Achieving work-life balance in the veterinary community is so important. We’re certainly not endorsing hard-working vets and their staff stay up late to do charting and record keeping. However, the total mobility of Hippo Manager allows our practice partners to get out of the office and spend more time at home, or anywhere and work in our veterinary software.

How to use google calendar for veterinary patient appointments:

Google calendar 2-way sync in Hippo Manager means that appointments can be made and changed from anywhere, and most importantly, without logging into Hippo Manager. Simply add the google calendar linked to your Hippo Manager veterinary software account to your phone or desired mobile device.  Once the sync has been made, use the calendar as you normally would for veterinary and patient appointments.

When you next log into Hippo Manager, those updated appointments made from your mobile device will show up and need to be confirmed in the software. Because of this feature, your practice data and appointment compliance information remains secure.

Veterinary Software + Google Calendar SAVES YOU TIME!

Taking appointments on the road, staying connected to your veterinary practice and keeping your appointment scheduler filled are all ways the calendar integration saves you time.  But most importantly, it’s so your practice can be totally mobile and keep your appointments fluid (so you can beat those KPIs).  Therefore, your practice can look forward to goals only achieved with Hippo Manager and Google calendar 2-way sync.

  • The benefits of veterinary software with Google calendar are clear:
  • Manage veterinary appointments for patients easily
  • Take appointments anywhere, out of the office
  • Schedule appointments from any device
  • Adjust appointments without accessing Hippo Manager app
  • Stay connected to your veterinary practice
  • Keep your practice appointment scheduler FULL
  • Maintain security by approving any adjustments made



Need more assistance on managing your veterinary appointments using Google calendar in Hippo Manager?  Not a problem.  Our training and support staff are here to help and set up a one-on-one session to get your practice started using the 2-way sync. 877-819-1050 or email us, here.

About Hippo Manager Veterinary Software

Hippo Manager is the largest independently owned cloud-based veterinary practice management software in the United States.